What we do? Whatever It takes.

The Africa Humanitarian Organisations Network (AHON) is dedicated to transforming Africa’s humanitarian landscape by fostering collaboration, driving advocacy, and promoting locally-led solutions to the continent's challenges. 

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Our Approach

We believe that African humanitarian actors are best positioned to address the needs of their communities. AHON fosters collaboration among 185 member organizations from across the continent, creating a platform for knowledge sharing, joint advocacy, and collective action. By working together, we amplify African voices in global humanitarian processes and ensure that local needs and solutions are prioritized.

AHON engages with key stakeholders, including the African Union, regional bodies, and national governments, to advocate for policies that support sustainable humanitarian interventions. We work to influence decision-making processes at all levels, ensuring that the perspectives of African civil society organizations are heard and integrated into broader strategies and policies.

Empowerment is at the heart of what we do. Through targeted training, capacity-building programs, and leadership development, AHON strengthens the abilities of local organizations to respond to crises effectively. We focus on empowering women-led, refugee-led, and grassroots organizations, providing them with the resources and tools they need to drive change in their communities.


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Climate Action & Resilience

Climate change poses a significant threat to communities across Africa, with many facing droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events. AHON’s Climate Action & Resilience initiative focuses on strengthening the capacity of vulnerable communities to adapt to climate change and build long-term resilience. By fostering sustainable practices, improving infrastructure, and promoting climate-smart agriculture, we aim to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and reduce the vulnerability of affected populations.

Key Projects

Providing farmers with climate-resilient seeds and training in sustainable farming practices to reduce the impact of droughts and floods.

  • Introduces sustainable agriculture practices in vulnerable regions.
  • Reduces the impact of droughts and floods.
  • Empowers farmers with climate-smart techniques.

Building water conservation systems, such as rainwater harvesting facilities, to support communities in drought-prone regions.

  • Constructs rainwater harvesting systems in drought-prone areas.
  • Supports communities in mitigating water scarcity.
  • Promotes green energy solutions in farming communities.

Working with local schools to educate the next generation on climate change, environmental conservation, and sustainable living practices.

  • Reaches schools to integrate environmental education programs.
  • Partners with educational institutions for climate action.
  • Empowers youth as future climate leaders.


Through our climate action efforts, we have reached over 100,000 individuals, empowering them to implement climate-resilient strategies and protect their livelihoods against environmental changes.

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Conflict Response

Conflict remains one of the most persistent humanitarian challenges in Africa, displacing millions and destabilizing entire regions. AHON’s Conflict Response initiative addresses the immediate needs of conflict-affected communities by providing emergency relief, trauma support, and long-term recovery programs. We work alongside local partners to promote peacebuilding efforts and facilitate the reintegration of displaced persons back into their communities.

Key Projects

Delivering food, water, medical supplies, and shelter to families affected by conflict and displacement.


Facilitating dialogue and conflict resolution workshops in post-conflict areas to foster healing and rebuild trust within communities.


Offering psychological support and counseling services to survivors of violence, with a special focus on children and women.


Our conflict response efforts have provided life-saving support to over 50,000 displaced individuals, helping them rebuild their lives and communities in the wake of conflict.

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Economic Equality

Economic inequality is a root cause of many of the humanitarian challenges faced by communities across Africa. AHON’s Economic Equality Programs focus on promoting economic justice by creating jobs, improving access to education, and empowering marginalized populations. By fostering inclusive economic growth and breaking the cycle of poverty, we help communities achieve self-reliance and build a more equitable future.


Key Projects

Providing vocational training and job placement services to young people in underserved regions, helping them secure stable employment and build sustainable careers.

Offering small loans and financial training to women entrepreneurs, enabling them to start or expand businesses and achieve financial independence.

Improving access to quality education for children and young people in economically disadvantaged areas, with a focus on girls' education.


Through our African Philanthropy initiative, we have mobilized over $10 million in local and diaspora donations, supporting grassroots organizations across the continent in delivering critical services to their communities.

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Women-Led & Refugee-Led Initiatives

Women and refugees often face unique challenges during humanitarian crises, but they also have the potential to be powerful agents of change. AHON champions the leadership of women and refugees in humanitarian efforts by supporting their organizations and amplifying their voices. Our Women-Led & Refugee-Led Initiatives aim to empower these groups by providing them with the resources, training, and platforms they need to drive positive change within their communities.

Key Projects

Financially supporting women-led organizations to enable them to respond effectively to crises and lead recovery efforts.

Training refugee-led organizations in leadership, management, and advocacy skills to strengthen their impact on humanitarian response.

Partnering with grassroots women’s organizations to advocate for gender equality and women’s rights in conflict and post-conflict settings.


We have supported over 200 women-led and refugee-led organizations, helping them deliver vital services to their communities and advocate for their rights on national and international platforms.

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African Philanthropy

African philanthropy is a powerful force for change, rooted in the culture of giving and community support. AHON’s African Philanthropy initiative harnesses the generosity of African communities, both on the continent and in the diaspora, to fund local solutions to local problems. By promoting the concept of African philanthropy, we mobilize resources to support grassroots organizations and create a sustainable funding model for humanitarian efforts across the continent.

Key Projects

A platform that connects African philanthropists with grassroots organizations, fostering partnerships and facilitating the flow of resources to where they are needed most.

Encouraging Africans living abroad to contribute to humanitarian efforts in their home countries by offering streamlined donation channels and reporting on the impact of their contributions.

Supporting our members in developing strategies to raise funds locally, reducing their reliance on international donors and strengthening their sustainability.


Through our African Philanthropy initiative, we have mobilized over $10 million in local and diaspora donations, supporting grassroots organizations across the continent in delivering critical services to their communities.

Our Impact

Through our initiatives, AHON has reached hundreds of thousands of people across Africa. We have supported local organizations in delivering vital services, advocated for policies that benefit African communities, and strengthened the capacity of humanitarian actors across the continent. By fostering collaboration and solidarity, AHON is helping to build a more resilient, self-sufficient Africa, where local solutions drive lasting change.

Join us in our mission to create a better future for Africa. Explore our initiatives, get involved, and be part of the movement for African-led humanitarian action.